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Hand tools comp 387kb

We keep thinking what makes a good Shed?

Quality Tools

Good tools are a pleasure to use

Brian on pillar drill 104kb
Band saw 185kb
Sander 109kb
Pillar drill and jigsaw 100kb
Router grinder and small pillar 53kb
lathe 50kb
Mark sharpening 120kb

Keeping tools sharp helps accuracy and improves safety.

Decent Materials

We collect wood, metal and plastic.

timber store organised 74kb
Drawer set from Mr Sue Metcalfe 113kb
These drawers and a fantastic stock of fixings also came from the late Fred Metcalfe’s workshops.
timber store 57kb
small timber rack 65kb
We make an effort to to use up the little bits, even when some prefer to, ‘just cut a bit from a long plank’.
Finish adhesive Sue Metcalfe 91kb

These dyes, varnishes and wax finishes all came from the workshops of the late Fred Metcalfe.

Really, to make a good shed

You need some fabulous friendly people!

members with new sign 104kb
Steve Dennis Mark 122kb
Mark+Steve 67kb
Caroline 88kb
DennisMark+Brian 107kb